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Converting custom sounds to play in Team Fortress Classic

This tutorial will explain how to properly convert custom sounds to .wav to properly play and work in Team Fortress Classic.

This tutorial was created using the software dBpoweramp Music Converter. You don't actually have to use this specific software, but it's strongly recommended you use it.

Step #1:
Download the FREE trial version of dBpoweramp Music Converter.

Step 2:
Once installed, navigate to your dBpoweramp Music Converter folder and double click the "DMCFileSelector.exe" program.

Step 3:
Once opened, look to the left and you will see a slew of folders such as the C drive, Music folder, etc. Navigate to the folder where your custom file you want resides. Once clicked, you will see all your sound files. Now you can convert more than one at a time, check mark the files you want converted on the right.

Step 4:
Once checked, navigate to the top left of the window and you will see a "Convert" button. Now click "Convert" and a box will popup.

Check mark "Compressed" and click settings. Another box will popup. These settings are vital and are required to properly work in Team Fortress Classic. Change the settings to the following:

Format: PCM
Attributes: 22.050 kHz, 8 Bit, Mono 21 kb/sec

Once done, click OK.

Step 5:
Towards the bottom you will see an output setting. This is where you want your file to be saved once converted.

It can either be in the same folder the original conversion file is located or you can pick a folder you want it converted to.

Personally, I recommend a different folder. That is entirely up to you, however.

Step 6:
Click "Convert >>", it will then proceed to converting your file(s).

Now, that's it! You have successfully converted a sound file to work in Team Fortress Classic.
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